IndustrieTreff - Studie: Tempo bei der Verringerung des CO2-Ausstoßes muss verdoppelt werden, um einen gefährlichen


Studie: Tempo bei der Verringerung des CO2-Ausstoßes muss verdoppelt werden, um einen gefährlichen Klimawandel zu verhindern

ID: 113036

Studie: Tempo bei der Verringerung des CO2-Ausstoßes muss verdoppelt werden, um einen gefährlichen Klimawandel zu verhindern

(pressrelations) - >Die Mehrheit der Firmen hat ihre Ziele zur Reduktion von Treibhausgasen nur bis 2012 festgelegt

Studie: Tempo bei der Verringerung des CO2-Ausstoßes muss verdoppelt werden, um einen gefährlichen Klimawandel zu verhindern
München, 25. August 2009 ? Mit ihren aktuellen Zielen zur Reduktion von Treibhausgasen erreichen die weltweit größten Unternehmen das wissenschaftlich empfohlene Niveau erst im Jahr 2089 ? 39 Jahre zu spät, um einen gefährlichen Wandel des weltweiten Klimas zu verhindern. Dies macht die Untersuchung "The Carbon Chasm" deutlich, die heute durch das Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) veröffentlicht worden ist.
Die Studie zeigt, dass die größten Unternehmen der Welt ("Global 100") ihren CO2-Ausstoß zur Zeit nur um 1,9 Prozent pro Jahr reduzieren. Notwendig wären aber 3,9 Prozent, um die Emissionen in den Industriestaaten bis zum Jahr 2050 um 80 Prozent zu verringern. Nach Berechnungen des Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) müssen die Industrienationen ihren Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen bis 2050 um 80 bis 95 Prozent verringern, um einen gefährlichen Klimawandel zu vermeiden.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass es sich bei dieser Übersetzung nur um eine unverbindliche Kurzübersicht handelt. Die vollständige und verbindliche Fassung der Pressemitteilung finden Sie im folgenden englischen Original.

Hinweis: Bei Interesse steht Chris Tuppen, Chief Sustainability Officer bei BT, für Gespräche zur Verfügung.
World?s largest companies need to double the pace of CO2 reduction to avoid dangerous climate change, according to new report

Majority of firms have reduction goals to 2012 only, indicating need for government leadership

Based on current reduction targets, the world?s largest companies are on track to reach the scientifically-recommended level of greenhouse gas cuts by 2089 ? 39 years too late to avoid dangerous climate change, reveals a research report ? The Carbon Chasm ? released today by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).

It shows that the Global 100 are currently on track for an annual reduction of just 1.9% per annum which is below the 3.9% needed in order to cut emissions in developed economies by 80% in 2050. According to the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC), developed economies must reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80-95% by 2050 in order to avoid dangerous climate change.

The research report ? The Carbon Chasm ? was conducted by the Carbon Disclosure Project, based on data reported to CDP in 2008*, and supported by BT, to analyse how the world?s largest 100 companies currently set greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets and whether they are sufficient to combat long term climate change.

Of those emissions reduction targets with a deadline, a majority (84%) are set up to and including 2012, which correlates with the final year of the Kyoto Protocol and suggests that businesses may be waiting to hear outcomes of the UN Conference of the Parties meeting in Copenhagen this December (COP-15) before they set longer term reduction goals.

BT?s Chief Sustainability Officer Chris Tuppen commented: "Most large companies now measure their carbon footprint and many have set carbon reduction targets. But how many of those targets are actually in line with the required reductions to prevent dangerous climate change? The research highlights a significant gap between what is needed from the corporate sector and what?s currently promised. We in the business world need to find a way of closing this carbon chasm.?

Paul Dickinson, CEO of the Carbon Disclosure Project, an independent not-for-profit organisation that holds the largest database of primary corporate climate change information in the world, said: "While 73% of Global 100 companies have set some form of reduction target, the majority need to be far more aggressive if they are to achieve the long-term reductions required. This is a time of huge opportunity for businesses to gain competitive advantage by reducing their own impact on the climate and benefit from associated cost savings, as well as sparking major innovation around the production of new, lower carbon products and services.?

Businesses cite various motivations for setting emissions reductions targets including identifying inefficiencies in corporate operations to achieve cost savings and stimulate innovation; minimising GHG associated risks whilst preparing for potential future regulation; and achieving competitive advantage. However, as motivations are largely driven by market forces rather than scientific recommendations, Global 100 targets often fail to deliver the required cuts.

The report highlights some recommendations to close the current carbon chasm:
- Every company should set a CO2-e reduction target.
- Targets must have clear baseline and target years.
- Governments need to agree clear medium and long-term reduction goals in Copenhagen to provide a framework for business to set required targets.
- Company targets should reflect the IPCC scientific recommendations and whilst absolute targets are preferred for clarity, aggressive intensity targets can also deliver.

The research also revealed a vast array of targets which presents challenges in assessing one against another. Greater harmonisation in setting targets in line with the science is required and this consistency will assist in revealing the leaders and the laggards in emissions reductions and ensure that major cuts are pursued in the short, medium and long term in order to permanently close the carbon chasm.

Appendix 1


We are facing a Carbon Chasm ? To cut emissions in developed economies by the required 80% by 2050, we need to see a minimum annual global reduction rate of 3.9% per annum. However, analysis of reduction targets from the Global 100 companies shows they are currently on track for an annual reduction of just 1.9% per annum. If we were all to continue on that trajectory we will not achieve the required reductions until 2089, 39 years too late. The consequences for the climate could be dramatic.

73% of Global 100 companies report some form of reduction target, while a significant minority (27%) do not. There is an urgent requirement for all companies to establish and achieve required targets.

Company target setting is motivated by market forces, not scientific requirements - reduction targets are used to identify inefficiencies in corporate operations, to achieve cost savings, stimulate innovation, to minimise climate change risks, to benchmark against competitors and satisfy stakeholder demands. Some also cite a positive impact on the environment and staff motivation and recruitment as a factor too.

CO2-equivalent targets dominate and are more popular than energy efficiency or energy consumption targets. 62% (84) of the targets are CO2-e related, compared to 15% (21) based on energy consumption and 9% (13) based on energy efficiency.

Absolute targets outstrip intensity in popularity, with almost twice as many absolute (86) targets compared to intensity (45). Companies favouring absolute targets say they are more transparent and deliver absolute reductions, while those preferring intensity targets say they benefit from more flexibility, especially in terms of business growth.

84% (103) of target deadlines are set to 2012 or before which suggests that businesses are waiting to hear outcomes of the UN Conference of the Parties meeting in Copenhagen this December (COP-15), before setting longer term reduction goals. Just 16% (19) of those with a target year, are set beyond 2012 suggesting government leadership is required to stimulate longer term target setting.

The wide range of targets is not directly comparable and it is difficult to judge the impact. The absence of a standard framework for setting emissions reduction targets has led to a patchwork of company specific targets, which have developed from individual company priorities and market forces.

One Size fits all won?t work ? Although there was recognition that harmonisation of targets has advantages, there was broad consensus among interviewees that a ?one-size-fits-all?, cross-industry approach, is not a favoured option within a voluntary process. It was argued that sector and company differences could result in skewed data or incentives and reduce transparency if one target methodology was applied across the board.

- ends -

Note to Editors
The report in full is available at .

* Companies report climate change data to CDP annually. This research report is based on the most recent data provided by 92% of the world?s 100 largest publicly quoted companies in 2008. CDP also conducted in-depth interviews with executives at 12 of the Global 100 companies on target setting.

About CDP ( )
The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) is an independent not-for-profit organisation holding the largest database of corporate climate change information in the world. More than 2,000 major corporations around the globe report their greenhouse gas emissions and the risks and opportunities posed by climate change through CDP. CDP gathers this data on behalf of 475 institutional investors, with combined assets under management in excess of $55 trillion, as well as public and private sector purchasing organisations and government bodies. Since its formation in 2000, CDP has become the gold standard for carbon disclosure methodology and process, providing essential climate change data to the global market place.

The Carbon Disclosure Project is a Registered Charity (no. 1122330). In the United States, CDP?s sponsor liaison is Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, which provides CDP with 501(c)3 charitable status.

About BT
BT is one of the world?s leading providers of communications solutions and services operating in 170 countries. Its principal activities include the provision of networked IT services globally; local, national and international telecommunications services to our customers for use at home, at work and on the move; broadband and internet products and services and converged fixed/mobile products and services. BT consists principally of four lines of business: BT Global Services, Openreach, BT Retail and BT Wholesale.
In the year ended March 31, 2009, BT Group?s revenue was £21,390 million.

British Telecommunications plc (BT) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of BT Group plc and encompasses virtually all businesses and assets of the BT Group. BT Group plc is listed on stock exchanges in London and New York.
For more information, visit

For media enquiries please contact:
Terry Collins
Terry Collins terrycollins(at)
+1-416-538-8712 / +1-416-878-8712

Lisa Lee
Carbon Disclosure Project
T: +44 (0)20 7415 7196
M: +44 (0)7554 430 962

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