SABIC will introduce its new range of synthetic rubber products, being manufactured for the first time in Saudi Arabia, at the K-Show Europe Exhibition in Dusseldorf, Germany, from 19th to 26th October, 2016.
(industrietreff) - While engaging with global customers at the exhibition, SABIC will underline its’ commitment to deliver high quality, cost effective, synthetic rubber products.
Commenting on the pioneering Saudi-made synthetic rubber products, Abdulrahman Al-Fageeh, SABIC Executive Vice President, Polymers, said, “We are very proud to be pioneering producers of synthetic rubbers in the Middle East to support conversion industries for tires, automotive, building and construction. With our ideal location, we should be able to reach strategic global markets, particularly Europe, further developing customer intimacy. We are looking forward to considerable customer interest and engagement at K-Show.”
Sami Mohammed Al-Osaimi, vice president, Elastomers, PVC, PS, PET, PMMA and POM, said, “Europe is a strategic market for SABIC’s new rubber products that will be used mainly for automotive applications, such as tires, gaskets, hoses, and weather seals. Key applications for the construction industry include roof sheeting, and building profiles, besides industrial uses such as conveyor belts. At the K-Show, we will be making visitors aware of our world-class solutions to serve our customers and power their ambitions.”
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Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:
• SABIC and brands marked with ™ are trademarks of SABIC or its subsidiaries or affiliates.
• SABIC is a registered trademark of SABIC International Holding B.V.
• High-resolution photos are available upon request.
• SABIC should be written in every instance in all uppercase.
SABIC is a global leader in diversified chemicals headquartered in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. We manufacture on a global scale in the Americas, Europe, Middle East and Asia Pacific, making distinctly different kinds of products: Chemicals, Plastics, Agri-Nutrients, Metals, and Specialties.
We support our customers in identifying and developing opportunities in key end markets such as Construction, Medical Devices, Packaging, Agri-Nutrients, Electrical and Electronics, Transportation, and Clean Energy.
SABIC recorded a net profit of SR 18.77 billion (US$ 5 billion) in 2015. Sales revenues for 2015 totaled SR 148.09 billion (US$ 39.49 billion). Total assets stood at SR 328.22 billion (US$ 87.53 billion) at the end of 2015.
SABIC has more than 40,000 employees worldwide and operates in more than 50 countries. Fostering innovation and a spirit of ingenuity, we have filed more than 10,960 patents, and have significant research resources with innovation hubs in five key geographies – USA, Europe, Middle East, South East Asia and North East Asia.
The Saudi Arabian government owns 70 percent of SABIC shares with the remaining 30 percent publicly traded on the Saudi stock exchange.
At SABIC, we combine a rich track record of doing what others said couldn’t be done, with a deep understanding of our customers. But our true impact is as a partner who can help our customers achieve their ambitions by finding solutions to their challenges. We call this ‘Chemistry that Matters™’.
Datum: 20.10.2016 - 11:52 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1414779
Anzahl Zeichen: 0
Ansprechpartner: Kevin Noels
Telefon: 0032 3 31 30 311
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