VERACOVER Makes You a Smart Car Owner
VERACOVER shelter your car when you park wherever you are in public or private places like a playground, airport or supermarket.
(industrietreff) - For Immediate Release:
04 February, 2017: Car covers are an essential guard against dust, sunlight, heat, rain, bird droppings and several other things. Not only do they protect a car, but they also help in retaining the new looks of the car. Hence, buying a car cover is a must. But, we all need to ascertain the functions and use of a car cover before we purchase one.
There are different types of car covers. Some can protect a car from rainwater and other extreme climatic conditions while others simply protect the car from dust when it is stored in the garage for weeks. It would be quite a disaster when you find out that your dream car has been damaged by some external factors like harsh climate, harmful rays of the sun, pollutants or any other type of threat. To protect your car against such conditions, VERACOVER is the best car cover designed to protect your car from all types of extreme climatic conditions and harmful elements.
It is a unique and world class multi-functional device that provides safety and vital solutions against harsh weather conditions like hail-storm, denting, body scratching, vandalism and car theft. It is body-friendly to cars, portable, fully auto and very easy to install in any car, being compact size, full size, station wagon or SUV. It consists of a hard case simply positioned on the roof of the car. VERACOVER shelter your car when you park wherever you are in public or private places like a playground, supermarket or airport.
About The Company:
VERACOVER is a fully automatic, inflatable car cover protection against harsh weather, vandalism and anti-theft device. More details visit
Contact Details:
Author Name: Giuseppe Veracini
Company Name: VERACOVER
Local Address: 25125 Brescia ITALY
Phone Number: +393775484873
Company Mail id.: info(at)
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Datum: 04.02.2017 - 08:18 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1452179
Anzahl Zeichen: 0
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"VERACOVER Makes You a Smart Car Owner
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