New Financial Website Puts Clients First
Vector Wealth Management Relaunches A User-Friendly Website
(industrietreff) - Minneapolis, MN – This year, Vector Wealth Management is celebrating 25 years and relaunching their website. The newly redesigned website will be more user-friendly to the benefit of current and future clients. Vector Wealth Management started business in 1993 with the mission of putting their clients first. The redesign of their website is in alignment with that mission.
“Vector Wealth Management began under the fiduciary model 25 years ago, and we intend to stay that way,” says Tom Fee, the Principal and Managing Partner of Vector Wealth Management. “We believe in acting only and solely in the best interests of our clients. We are here to serve our clients and to help them be mindful of their financial decisions looking ahead. Most importantly, we want them to get today right.”
Vector Wealth Management was founded in 1993 and much has changed in the technology to deliver an effective web experience. Because of this they’ve decided to do a complete redesign of the website that is customized for their clients. Built on a cutting-edge platform that is mobile responsive, the website showcases the firm’s financial software, SojournTM, which has helped clients successfully navigate through some of the worse market downturns in the last century.
“Over the last 20 years, we’ve developed and refined Sojourn to help our clients better understand their financial lives,” says Fee. “It is no exaggeration that each of our client’s lives are unique and we needed to have an application that could reflect that reality. Sojourn lets us do that with the client visually and in real time gaining an understanding of exactly what’s possible. To us, it’s all about our client describing how they want to live and then devising a plan that reflects that life.”
Vector Wealth Management ( was founded in 1993 as a fiduciary wealth management firm. It’s headquartered in Minneapolis, MN with offices in Bloomington, MN and Chicago, IL. As a fiduciary, Vector Wealth Management embraces the mission of acting only and solely in the best interests of its clients. For more information on asset management, please contact Tyler Schelhaas at 612-378-7560, tschelhaas(at)
Vector Wealth Management is a registered investment adviser. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Investments involve risk and, unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial adviser and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed herein. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.
CID: VWM15072021
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Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:
Media contact: Ezra Firkins
43 SE Main St Suite 236
Minneapolis, MN 55414-1048
Phone: 612-378-7560
Email: efirkins(at)
Datum: 29.09.2018 - 07:21 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1655370
Anzahl Zeichen: 0
Ansprechpartner: Ezra Firkins
Telefon: 6123787560
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