SABIC announced at JEC World 2019 a new, cutting-edge technology for producing lightweight, cost-effective and recyclable vehicle panels using its UDMAX™ tape, a unidirectional, fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composite.
(industrietreff) - PARIS, FRANCE, March 14, 2019 - SABIC announced at JEC World 2019 a new, cutting-edge technology for producing lightweight, cost-effective and recyclable vehicle panels using its UDMAX™ tape, a unidirectional, fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composite. This innovative technology, which is designed to replace traditional panels made of metal and thermoset materials for interior and exterior automotive applications, will soon be commercialized in the bulkhead of a light commercial vehicle (LCV) produced in large scale for the global automotive market.
The bulkhead was developed through an international collaboration among SABIC; RLE International, an engineering services provider headquartered in the United Kingdom; AMA Composites, an Italian toolmaker; and Setex Textil GmbH, a weaver based in Germany. SABIC is showcasing a sample model of the composite bulkhead at its JEC World 2019 exhibit in Hall 6, Stand P12.
Vehicle panels made with UDMAX™ tape combine strength and impact resistance with light weight, which can result in mass reduction of interior panels of up to 35 percent in comparison to metal parts. In case of exterior panels, the composite material can help reduce mass up to 50%. They are produced using a highly efficient, one-shot process of lamination and low-pressure molding.
“Our UDMAX™ tapes offer the automotive industry a powerful solution to the ongoing challenges of reducing weight, lowering costs and improving sustainability,” said Hans Warmerdam, CEO and Chief Sales & Marketing Officer, SABIC FRT – a SABIC affiliate. “We’re confident that the light commercial vehicle’s bulkhead is the first of many structural applications where our innovative materials, combined with this novel processing approach, can help solve our customers’ challenges of achieving lighter weight without compromising safety, durability and fuel or energy use. Through continued collaboration among this unique team of engineers, designers and technical experts in materials and in conversion processes, we intend to explore more ways to expand the adoption of our thermoplastic composite technology.”
Reducing Mass, Streamlining Production
The use of thermoplastic composites can lead to a significant reduction in mass in applications. In the case of the bulkhead, replacing a traditional metal component with the UDMAX™ tape lamination within the part reduced mass by 35 percent in the application. Lower weight can also make the large bulkhead easier to handle, which could help to accelerate vehicle assembly.
This mass saving can be achieved without sacrificing the impact performance of the part, which is essential to protect occupants against injuries caused by shifting cargo. According to RLE International, the bulkhead complies with ISO 27956, the standard for securing cargo in delivery LCVs. The build-up of the process and the tensile strength of the UDMAX™ are the main factors in optimizing the impact resistance of the bulkhead.
Compared to metallic or injection molded part of a conventional, multi-piece bulkhead, the new method – designed, developed and engineered by RLE International – can reduce tool costs by up to 80 percent compared to injection molding tools. This saving is due to the ability to replace an expensive, high-pressure tool with a lower-cost, low-pressure tool. Overall, the supplied cost of the LCV’s bulkhead can be 10 percent lower than the conventional metallic bulkhead that it replaces.
This technology also represents a revolutionary change in vehicle panel production by increasing efficiency and reducing complexity. With moulding cycle times under two minutes, this streamlined process avoids sourcing and assembling multiple components, traditionally at different supplier locations, as well as secondary painting and trim operations.
A proprietary lamination featuring a core of extra-wide UDMAX™ tape woven by Setex incorporates aesthetic finish a one-shot compression step. The process also allows to vary the thickness of the panel in order to improve noise, vibration and harshness (NHV) levels, helping to reduce noise in the vehicle. AMA Composites created the tool and molded the concept parts.
“Our new technology for producing panels using UDMAX™ thermoplastic composite tape offers tremendous opportunities to the automotive industry,” said Mark Grix, head of Interior & Exterior Engineering for RLE International. “One example is the electric vehicle sector, where lower panel weight can extend driving range and lower-cost tooling can reduce capital investments for start-up companies. RLE International stands ready to assist automotive tiers in mastering this new process so they can leverage its advantages on behalf of their OEM customers.”
JEC World 2019 runs from March 12 – 14 in Paris, France. SABIC management and technical experts are available throughout the show to answer questions and to share insights on the new bulkhead technology, UDMAX™ thermoplastic tape and technical customer support capabilities.
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Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:
SABIC is a global leader in diversified chemicals headquartered in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. We manufacture on a global scale in the Americas, Europe, Middle East and Asia Pacific, making distinctly different kinds of products: chemicals, commodity and high performance plastics, agri-nutrients and metals.
We support our customers by identifying and developing opportunities in key end markets such as construction, medical devices, packaging, agri-nutrients, electrical and electronics, transportation and clean energy.
SABIC recorded a net profit of SR 21.54 billion (US$ 5.74 billion) in 2018. Sales revenues for 2018 totaled SR 169.09 billion (US$ 45 billion). Total assets stood at SR 320.1 billion (US$ 85.4 billion) at the end of 2018. Production in 2017 stood at 71.2 million metric tons.
SABIC has more than 34,000 employees worldwide and operates in more than 50 countries. Fostering innovation and a spirit of ingenuity, we have 11,534 global patent filings, and have significant research resources with innovation hubs in five key geographies – USA, Europe, Middle East, South Asia and North Asia.
The Saudi Arabian government owns 70 percent of SABIC shares with the remaining 30 percent publicly traded on the Saudi stock exchange.
Datum: 18.03.2019 - 17:04 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1705705
Anzahl Zeichen: 0
Ansprechpartner: Kevin Noels
Telefon: 0032 3 31 30 311
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