Recombinant-2019-ncov-antigens-reagents can be helpful says Genemedi
With WHO declaring Coronavirus or its deadliest form COVID-19 as a pandemic, people are wondering if Recombinant Antigens reagents can be helpful to treat the affected people.
(industrietreff) - Genemedi scientists are confident that the Antigens reagents produced by them can certainly help in this deadliest outbreak.
Recombinant antigens can be defined as varied types of protein combined to formulate molecule and/ or molecules aimed at triggering or awakening the immune system. Depending upon the types of proteins that are included in the antigen, the antigen would lead to the formation of various antibodies. And a reagent is essentially a substance or compound that is added to a system to stimulate a chemical reaction. It allows medicine experts to analyze, detect, measure and tweak things if they are wrong.
These functions rendered by them makes them extremely serviceable in medicine for treating diseases and develop long-term resistance. They prompt the body to produce different types of antibodies such as vaccines, which help in developing a fighting mechanism according to their recombinant structure.
“Our scietists would continue to help world in diagnosing and developing a drug against 2019 nCoV,” says the Company. "While research has shown some optimistic results, we have a long way to go."
There has been a spike in research and development of recombinant coronavirus antigen reagents in order to develop resistance against the easily contractable COVID-19.
Genemedi scientists have developed COVID-19 antigens from the strain that emerged in Wuhan. These COVID-19 antigens have in them recombinant proteins that act as reagents allowing and facilitating research on infectious and deadly diseases for scientists and aid them in developing a more accurate and reliable diagnosis, treatment and vaccines.
The newly discovered coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2 (2019-nCoV) which causes the deadly COVID-19 is already infecting more and more people every day. The virus belongs to the Beta coronavirus Genus, to which the SARS CoV and MERS CoV also belong. The genome of the virus, like all other coronaviruses, includes the following coronavirus proteins like the:
i)Spike protein,
ii)Envelope protein,
iii)Membrane protein and
iv)Nucleocapsid protein
Moving forth, through medical research and developments, reagents, antibodies, antigen detection kits and recombinant antigens, etc. Genemedi scientists have developed Antigens reagents to develop vaccines, develop resistance and strengthen the immune system. These include the:
Recombinant 2019 nCoV N protein,
Recombinant 2019 nCoV S protein,
Its subunits:
S1 and
S2, etc.
Also, Antigens reagents have been developed by Genemedi scientists from the strain that emerged in Wuhan. These COVID-19 antigens have in them recombinant proteins that act as reagents allowing and facilitating research on infectious and deadly diseases for scientists and aid them in developing a more accurate and reliable diagnosis, treatment and vaccines.
“To develop a long-term resistance to a disease, the recombinant antigen must provoke a proper immune response strong enough to provide a safety net for a lifetime against any such diseases in the future,” say Genemedi scientists.
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Datum: 03.04.2020 - 10:51 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1806624
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Ansprechpartner: Tom
Telefon: 86-21-50478399
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"Recombinant-2019-ncov-antigens-reagents can be helpful says Genemedi
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