The production of copper is essential for our daily lifes and our worldwide economy.
Montanwerke Brixlegg - Best copper products (copper cathodes & copper alloys) and iron silicate

(industrietreff) -
Montanwerke Brixlegg ( located in tyrol is a premium manufacturer for high class copper cathodes, iron silicate and copper alloys that fits a wide range of industrial applications. For example copper alloys offer good electrical and thermal conductivity, strength, ductility and excellent corrosion resistance. Copper is important to the development of all forms of life and has been neccessary in the worldwide progress of technological for more many years. Nowadays, copper alloys make a significant contribution to the latest developments in renewable energy, communication and information technology, architecture and health. By combining quality copper from Brixlegg with other highend metals, a range of very effective copper alloys can be made to fit almost any industrial application. Quality copper and premium copper alloys from Brixlegg are best suited for recycling, which also is one key area of the austrian company Montanwerke Brixlegg. For further reading and additional information about copper cathodes, iron silicate and copper alloys - please visit the following source pages:
Themen in dieser Meldung:
Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:
Die in Brixlegg hergestellten Kupferkathoden bestehen aus hochreinem Kupfer mit einem Kupfergehalt von mindestens 99,99 %. Die Hauptverunreinigung ist Silber mit 6 bis 10 ppm. Brixlegg-Kathoden sind an der Londoner Metallbörse (LME) als "Cathodes grade A" mit dem Brand "BRX" registriert. Sie entsprechen der Norm EN 1978, den Bestimmungen des IWCC und der ASTM B115.
Montanwerke Brixlegg AG
Werkstraße 1
6230 Brixlegg
E-Mail: office(at)
Telefon: +43 5337 6151
Montanwerke Brixlegg AG
Andreas Enderle
Werkstraße 1
6230 Brixlegg
E-Mail: office(at)
Telefon: +43 5337 6151
Datum: 17.11.2020 - 14:57 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1860729
Anzahl Zeichen: 0
Ansprechpartner: Andreas Enderle
Telefon: +43 5337 6151
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"The production of copper is essential for our daily lifes and our worldwide economy.
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