ATM Presents New Service Packages
We keep your machine?s heartbeat going
(PresseBox) - Increase the availability & productivity of your machine and reduce production costs
and downtimes! The new ATM service packages offer an ideal combination between
annual maintenance and digitisation. Chose the best possible package for your requirements.
It is also possible to combine individual modules.
From classic annual maintenance to predictive maintenance and remote assistance ? we offer packages for every requirements. With the ATM Service portal are customers are furthermore able to monitor machine and process data and to optimize processes.
With the continuous digitisation of machines, data concerning user behaviour, product optimisation, utilisation capacity and maintenance can be generated and analysed. The analysis shows potential for improvement and enables customers to efficiently use their machines.
In addition to the current packages Maintain Standard, Maintain Pro and Productive, there will be made further additions in the fields of energy efficiency and resource saving.
Our service team is happy to advise you concerning the best possible solution!
ATM stands for Arnold Technology for Metal Recycling based on more than 80 years of experience. The company plans, produces and provides worldwide service support for metal recycling systems for the treatment of secondary raw materials.
Themen in dieser Meldung:
Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:
ATM stands for Arnold Technology for Metal Recycling based on more than 80 years of experience. The company plans, produces and provides worldwide service support for metal recycling systems for the treatment of secondary raw materials.
Datum: 05.07.2021 - 12:32 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1916338
Anzahl Zeichen: 0
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"ATM Presents New Service Packages
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ATM Recyclingsystems GmbH (Nachricht senden)
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