New record - Internal grooving 10xD setup with STMD
(PresseBox) - Curiosity has been our hallmark from the beginning, and we are always interested to know the physical limits of machining systems. Being told by the market to be very careful with internal grooving operation due to its vibration problem, we are today presenting our machining results of internal grooving at 10xD.
Using an STMD M32-416 product, which is a standard steel bar damped with the STMD technology, with an SXFNR 322028 16 cutter head and 16 IR W 2.25 insert, we perform grooving at 10xD overhang length. The machined workpiece material is 4340 34 CrNiMo HRC 30. Thanks to the STMD technology, with its Self-Tuning capabilities, the tool adapts to different types of vibrations, and the limits are again pushed by MAQ.
See the video here.
Need to make a groove for an O-ring seat or retaining rings? MAQ, again, made it possible even if the overhang length is challenging. Simplify Machining! With a standard selection of 16mm trigonal grooving inserts, you can make grooves with a depth of 2.25mm. The width can be widened by a longitudinal turning operation.
Our mission is to bring new technology to the workshops to make things better, faster, and easier. “Simplify Machine” in other words!
Do not forget to visit our website; MAQ Web Site
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Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:
Datum: 11.05.2023 - 11:06 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 2046367
Anzahl Zeichen: 0
Ansprechpartner: Christian Grill
Telefon: 0732038331
Diese HerstellerNews wurde bisher 0 mal aufgerufen.
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"New record - Internal grooving 10xD setup with STMD
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