Plant controller from meteocontrol certified for Poland
Photovoltaic systems in Poland can now be equipped with plant controllers from meteocontrol.

(PresseBox) - The German company specialized in innovative energy and asset management solutions announced that the certification of its blue'Log® XC plant controller has now been completed in compliance with the Polish standards.
"Poland is one of the largest and most interesting markets in Europe. We are very pleased to be able to provide our customers modern and future-proof plant controller solutions, and to join forces to achieve a fast and secure network connection.", explains Thomas Neff, Senior Business Development Manager Europe. “meteocontrol anticipated the importance of the polish renewable energies market years ago, when it started to localize its products blue'Log® XC and Saas VCOM Cloud in Polish".
Plant controllers ensure that the grid feed-in of renewable energies is regulated and monitored in order to ensure a stable power grid. The device can receive and implement commands from the grid operator and autonomously control the feed-in and control of active and reactive power, depending on local grid parameters. If the grid is overloaded, the device can regulate the feed-in power if necessary.
New certificate for Poland: meteocontrol meets all standards
Similar to other European countries, plant controllers in Poland must meet certain standards according to EU requirements. For this reason, meteocontrol undertook the certification process for the blue'Log® XC. In order to connect plants to the grid in a compliant manner, plant operators must go through a verification process for their projects. If this process is successful, a FON (Final Operation Notification) is issued: this is the grid operator's final consent to allow electricity to be fed into the grid.
"This is the reason why our plant controller needed to be certified. In addition, special simulations are performed for the verification. For this, meteocontrol can provide the necessary simulation models in various software formats," explains Christoph Fröhlich, Product Manager at meteocontrol, who managed the product certification.
blue'Log® XC and VCOM user interface in Polish
An accredited body issued the certificate for the blue'Log® XC. mmeteocontrol had already been offering its customers in Poland facilitated system operation management for several years now: The user interface for blue'Log® XC and VCOM can be operated in Polish. "At meteocontrol, we aknowledge Poland as one of the largest and most interesting markets within Europe, which is why we want to increasingly support project partners with our expertise and offer solutions that ideally meet market requirements," says Thomas Neff.
meteocontrol gilt als Pionier und zentraler Akteur für ganzheitliche Energie- und Asset-Management-Systeme im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien. Seit 1998 vertrauen Anlagenbauer, EPCs, Projektentwickler sowie Asset Manager und Investoren auf die zukunftsweisenden Lösungen des Unternehmens. Das Dienstleistungsportfolio umfasst Lösungen für professionelles Anlagenmonitoring, Steuerungssysteme, Einspeisemanagement sowie technische Beratung. meteocontrol hat seinen Hauptsitz in Augsburg und betreut seine internationalen Kunden von zahlreichen Standorten aus.
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Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:
meteocontrol gilt als Pionier und zentraler Akteur für ganzheitliche Energie- und Asset-Management-Systeme im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien. Seit 1998 vertrauen Anlagenbauer, EPCs, Projektentwickler sowie Asset Manager und Investoren auf die zukunftsweisenden Lösungen des Unternehmens. Das Dienstleistungsportfolio umfasst Lösungen für professionelles Anlagenmonitoring, Steuerungssysteme, Einspeisemanagement sowie technische Beratung. meteocontrol hat seinen Hauptsitz in Augsburg und betreut seine internationalen Kunden von zahlreichen Standorten aus.
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Datum: 10.11.2023 - 08:00 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 2071271
Anzahl Zeichen: 0
Ansprechpartner: Niklas Horn
Telefon: +49 (821) 34666-97
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"Plant controller from meteocontrol certified for Poland
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