Orchestrating Energy: The AMPERIX® EMS

(ots) - Wendeware AG presents its innovative AMPERIX® energy management system - consisting of the powerful AMPERIX® energy managers and the associated AMPERIX® portal myPowerGrid.
The AMPERIX® energy management system enables the efficient control of energy producers, consumers, storage and consumption in almost all buildings - from commercial and industrial properties to single-family homes and apartment buildings, also optimizing across different locations.
"Intelligent algorithms, partially based on artificial intelligence, and user-friendly user interfaces of the AMPERIX® energy management system enable users to implement efficient and customized energy management strategies to solve complex tasks flexibly and quickly and to continuously monitor their success. The close cooperation with the renowned Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics in Kaiserslautern underlines the innovative power of AMPERIX® EMS.
"The energy transition is entering the next phase. We are taking innovative paths to advance it with the best possible technology," says Jochen Marwede, CEO of Wendeware AG.
Customers from industry, trade, commerce and private households trust the performance and reliability of AMPERIX® energy management systems and value the comprehensive Wendeware service, from upfront analysis to commissioning and customer training to after-sales support. Wendeware offers the manufacturer-independent AMPERIX® EMS in the customer's OEM design for leading manufacturers of energy components and large-scale solar installers.
You are cordially invited to meet the Wendeware AG-Team in Hall B5 Stand 139 at "The smarter E Europe 2024" to find out more about the future of energy management.
Denise Ertl
CMO Wendeware AG
+49 (0) 631-31604908
+49 (0) 176-72782346
Original-Content von: Wendeware AG, übermittelt durch news aktuell
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Datum: 29.05.2024 - 18:24 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 2101028
Anzahl Zeichen: 0
Ansprechpartner: ots
Kaiserslautern, Germany
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