John Holland Group appointed construction contractor for Yeppen South project
John Holland Group appointed construction contractor for Yeppen South project
(pressrelations) - Yeppen North project commissioned National freight through Rockhampton, one of Queensland?s key beef and mining cities, will be more reliable during flood season following the opening of a $62 million highway project at the city gates today.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development Warren Truss, officially commissioned the completed Yeppen North project with Queensland?s Transport and Main Roads Minister Scott Emerson, and the Member for Capricornia Michelle Landry this afternoon. At the same time the John Holland Group was appointed as the construction contractor for stage two of the flood mitigation highway works to be known as the Yeppen South project. "These projects clearly benefit the people of Rockhampton and those using the Bruce Highway as a freight route, but also the wider Queensland and Australian economy,? Mr Truss said. "The locals know, and I know, just how much freight, tourism and commuter traffic rely on this section of the Bruce Highway day-in-day-out. "This section is no longer at risk of closing every time the area floods, and traffic flow is vastly improved.?
Mr Truss said the Australian and Queensland governments have committed the $296 million needed for the next stage of the Yeppen floodplain upgrade, with the Australian Government contributing 80 per cent of the funding. This second stage involves extending the flood-resilient corridor by constructing a new raised carriageway on the Bruce Highway as far as the Burnett Highway, two kilometres south of Rockhampton. The 2.8 kilometre highway duplication will include a 1.6 kilometre long bridge. "With this guarantee, motorists can be assured of our commitment to ensuring the highway will remain open in this area at times of flood,? he said. The Member for Capricornia, Michelle Landry, said the central feature of the Yeppen North project was the new Yeppen Bridge, which was more than three metres higher than the existing lagoon crossing.
"The locals, particularly, have been looking forward to this day since the series of floods starting in January 2011,? Ms Landry said. "The Yeppen area has been flooded on three occasions since work on the project started in April 2012, and now Rockhampton people know they will have access to and from their homes on future occasions, as well as traffic flowing more freely at all times. "The infrastructure will be here for generations and will support the region?s development for the long-term.? Transport and Main Roads Minister Scott Emerson, said that the Yeppen North project included the upgrade of the Upper Dawson Road and Jellicoe Street intersection, additional lanes at the Yeppen roundabout and changes to the Port Curtis Road intersection. "The Upper Dawson Road intersection has also been rebuilt, with traffic signals now operational to manage traffic flow,? Mr Emerson said. "I congratulate the Transport and Main Roads project team, GHD Australia engineers who oversaw site operations and Fulton Hogan?s construction workforce for completing the work in 18 months and within budget. "They had to manage traffic flow and flooding.
In February I inspected the Yeppen Lagoon with Rockhampton Mayor Margaret Strelow, and water was lapping the original bridge, with much of the surrounding area inundated.? Mr Emerson said preparatory works would start on Yeppen South project before Christmas.
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Datum: 27.11.2013 - 12:51 Uhr
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